Wednesday, 11 September 2013


A short post because I think this is worth sharing.
Today, we had a class about 9/11, or better- the hidden 9/11.

On 9 september 1973, the US supported and was involved in the coup d'état in Chile by Augusto Pinochet, because the ruling president was socialistic and the US was afraid Chile would become communistic. In the 17 years that Pinochet ruled, about 3000 people were killed and 130.000 people were arrested. Yet, not a lot of people know about this 9/11.
'9/11 Chile' gives 32.800.000 results on Google, '9/11 US' gives 807.000.000 results.

Every year, 9/11 is a day of pain and silence, of compassion, with a lot of reporting in the media about this horrible day that changed the world. Don't get me wrong, I do think that the American 9/11 should be taken serious and we should not underestimate the effect it had and still has on many people's life, but isn't the relationship between the attention given to this drama and the attention given to other similar dramas a little unbalanced?

Please correct me if you think I'm wrong, this is just my opinion and I'm open for discussion about it. And again, today is a day of deep sorrow and my heart and mind is with those who lost someone on 9/11, now exactly 12 years ago.

May you all rest in peace.

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